Can't sleep so I thought I'd share my to-do list with you:Updated in red as of Thursday the 24th
- Get vaccinations... need at least a HepA and B booster Done with Typoid as well
- Get an indian visa done with a Pakistani visa as well
- Get a new credit card Ordered, should be waiting at home
- Get a spare battery for my camera Should be waiting at home
- Start packing not started yet
- Get a dental check-up and deep clean of the choppers Done and done
- Get a health check-up Done, but need to go back tomorrow as blood pressure was high
- Sort out my frickin' health insurance Should be waiting at home
- Get Malaria tablets and antibiotics Done and Done along with €300 worth of other medicinces/supplements/health stuff etc.
- Buy an eBook and download virtual books Can't source one of these in ireland and not enough time to get it sent over... must survive with traditional books, Doh!
- Fill my MP3 player (courtest of Dan Donleavy records) Not done... maybe at weekend.
- Finish the final essay of my Project Management course (eight months overdue) Snigger... never gonna happen!
- Move my shit out of Helen and Paula's place and move back home Tomorrow is the big moving day
- Photocopy all travel documentation To Do over the weekend
- List itinerary/embassy's etc for the oul' pair To Do over the weekend
- Cancel anything that takes money out of my bank account (gym, ntl, those Concern astards) Done
- Generally stop procrastinating and get my finger out... See above list of undertakings and demonstration of this week's productivity
Oh fuck, it looks a lot longer than I thought it was... not so fucked anymore, still need to book Monday's flight to Istanbul though!